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Our Board of Directors and Coaches are committed to our three priorities:

1. Ensure a Safe and Fun Environment

2. Excelling in Competition and Sportsmanship

3. Developing Future Leaders

Executive Board:

President: Meghann Olds

Athletic Director: Christopher Mattear 

Cheer Director: Idimaris Rivera 

Field & Equipment: Jonathan Mendoza

Compliance Secretary: Stefani Deveaux

Registrar: Jenny Chavarria

Fundraising Director: 

Concessions Coordinator: Marisol Fajardo 

Volunteer Coordinator: Aisha Palmares


Auxiliary Board: 

Asst. Cheer Dir: RaShonda Dee

Asst. Field Dir: 

Asst. Fundraising: 

Asst. Football Director: 

Asst. Registrar: Love Mattear

Asst. Concessions Coordinator: Tonya Harvey

Web Master:  

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