Our Board of Directors and Coaches are committed to our three priorities:
1. Ensure a Safe and Fun Environment
2. Excelling in Competition and Sportsmanship
3. Developing Future Leaders
Interested In Joining the Team?
President: Must be on the Executive Board/ 2 year Term (even year renewal)
Athletic Director: 2 year Term (odd year)
Cheer Director: 2 year Term (even year)
Field & Equipment: 2 year Term (odd year)
Compliance Secretary: 2 year Term (even year)
Registrar: 1 year Term
Concessions Coordinator: 1 year Term
Volunteer Coordinator: 1 year Term
Fundraising Coordinator: 1 year Term
Auxiliary Board: Voted by the Executive Board
Asst. Athletic Director
Asst. Cheer Director
Asst. Field Director
Asst. Fundraising
Asst. Concessions
Asst. Volunteer
Asst. Registrar
Web Master
Head Coaches: Voted by the Executive Board